Burial and construction methods of anchor bolt burying in substation construction foundation 变电站施工基础地脚螺栓埋设施工方法
As in any construction, more than one bolt must be used in bolted connections. 在任何施工中,必须在螺栓连接中使用一个以上螺栓。
This analysis method can be used as a reference for the design, construction and research of bolt support for similar tunnels. 该方法可为同类隧道锚杆支护设计、施工和研究提供有益借鉴。
Processing, Manufacturing and Construction Technology of Huge-span Variable Cross-section Bolt Welding with Steel Tube Arch Truss 大跨变截面栓焊结合钢管桁架拱肋加工制造施工技术
Moreover, the characteristics and key points in construction of tubular rock bolt are presented in this paper. 此外,文章还对管式锚杆的特点及施工要点进行了分析和论述。
Improved construction method of expansion bolt and annectent reinforcing bar in shell frame filled-wall 填充墙拉结筋膨胀螺栓施工方法的改进
Code for design, construction and acceptance of high strength bolt connection of steel structures 钢结构高强度螺栓连接设计施工及验收规范
Construction quality supervision of composite construction combined with anti-slide pile and anchor bolt frame wall 抗滑桩加锚杆框架墙组合式施工的质量监理
Construction Technology of Combination of Silver Two-way Bolt and Hand-dug Hole Pile 银双路锚杆结合人工挖孔桩支护的施工技术
New construction method of embedded column bolt 预埋柱脚螺栓施工新法
Construction technology of high strength bolt installation 高强度螺栓安装施工技术
Construction Technique of Pre-buried Bolt Sleeves for Large Scale Storage Silo 大型储存料仓预埋螺栓套筒施工技术
Construction of Great Spen Bolt-ball Net Frame Structure 大跨度螺栓球网架结构施工技术
Pretightening force and stress relaxation of FRP construction bolt joint FRP结构螺栓接点的预紧力与应力松弛
The property of materials consisting of epoxy mortar and the main factors affected its strength and the construction programm for anchoring the fang bolt are introduced in detail. Several attentive items are put forward. 详细介绍了环氧砂浆组成材料的性能、影响其强度的主要因素以及环氧砂浆铆固地脚螺栓的施工程序,并提出几点注意事项。
Analysis of the influence of construction deviation on the foundation bolt cracking in a large-span steel truss 某大跨钢桁架基础施工偏差对地脚螺栓断裂的影响分析
Survey on Construction Technology of Epoxy Mortar Anchor Fang Bolt 浅谈环氧砂浆铆固地脚螺栓施工技术
This paper mainly discusses the design and development of the intelligent controlling system that is used in screw tightening. Introduction to construction method of fastening bolt on the lap surface of duralumin busbar 介绍了电动螺栓紧固机-单片机控制装置的开发与设计。硬铝母线搭接面螺栓紧固的施工方法探讨
Construction for High Strength Bolt Used in Large Steel Structure Plant 大型钢结构厂房中的高强度螺栓施工
Caisson Jointing Construction Over Water On steel structural high-strength bolt jointing construction 沉箱水上接高施工钢结构高强螺栓连接施工
Design and construction of the cable bolt support system for the stoping drifts in loose and broken ore bodies 长锚索补强支护松软破碎矿体中的回采进路设计与施工
Introduction to construction method of fastening bolt on the lap surface of duralumin busbar 硬铝母线搭接面螺栓紧固的施工方法探讨
New construction technology of anchor bolt frame in slope protection of swelling soil 锚杆框架护坡加固膨胀土边坡施工植物护坡技术浅析
According to the application of prestressed anchor rod in civil engineering its construction process and key points are introduced as well as corresponding measures for quality control and acceptance monitoring in order to ensure construction quality of anchor bolt in deep excavation retaining. 阐述了预应力锚杆在土木工程深基坑支护中的具体施工工艺流程以及施工要点,并从质量控制要点及工后验收等方面作了介绍,从而确保锚杆施工质量。
Construction method for assuring pre-embedded anchor bolt accuracy of steel structure engineering foundation 确保钢结构工程基础预埋螺栓精度的施工法
The pretightening force of FRP construction bolt joint has been researched in the theory of bolt washer stress. 应用螺栓-垫圈应力理论对FRP结构搭接点预紧力进行了研究。
Application in construction of split bolt of expanded rubber water stop form 采用遇水膨胀橡胶止水片的模板对拉螺栓在工程中的应用
Construction and Quality Control of High-strength Bolt Connection in Steel Structure 钢结构中高强度螺栓连接的施工与质量控制
Roofbolter is one of the key equipments for the construction of bolt support, which influences support quality and support speed. 锚杆钻机是与锚杆支护施工相配套的关键设备之一,影响着支护质量的好坏与支护速度的快慢。
The strength bolted connection is one way of connection which are widely used in the steel construction, and friction high-strength bolt connection is one way of the strength bolted connection. 高强螺栓连接是钢结构工程中广泛使用的一种连接方式,而摩擦型高强螺栓连接是高强螺栓连接的主要方式之一。